
Introduction to Computer Science and Programming in Python

Course Curriculum

Start Next Lesson What is Computation?
1. What is Computation?
2. Shell vs. Editor
3. Python vs. Math
4. Bindings
5. Branching and Iteration
6. Strings
7. Comparisons
8. Branching
9. While Loops
10. For Loops
11. String Manipulation, Guess and Check, Approximations, Bisection
12. String Manipulations
13. For Loops With Strings
14. Decomposition, Abstraction, and Functions
15. Function Calls
16. Functions as Arguments
17. Tuples, Lists, Aliasing, Mutability, and Cloning
18. Tuples
19. Simple Lists
20. List Operations
21. List Aliasing/Mutation
22. Recursion and Dictionaries
23. Testing, Debugging, Exceptions, and Assertions
24. Black Box and Glass Box Testing
25. Errors
26. Exceptions
27. Object Oriented Programming
28. Class Definition
29. Class Instance
30. Methods
31. Method Call
32. Special Methods
33. Python Classes and Inheritance
34. Getters and Setters
35. Subclass
38. Searching and Sorting